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П. Бошен

Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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Glenn G. Tucker

Exile Island

Страниц: 252
Формат: 152x220
WHAT HAPPENS WHEN OPEC STOPS SHIPPING OIL? At times the Government oversteps the bounds of honesty and common sense. The incidents in the first chapters of this story actually occurred and were reported in the newspapers. Land has been taken under eminent domain for private use, as in Detroit where homes and businesses were taken at a minimal price and resold to General Motors. Land was taken in the west for water rights by cities to ensure sufficient water for their municipal needs. Lawsuits are still underway in these areas. Atlanta, Georgia is still in litigation with Alabama, Florida and South Georgia over water rights to the Chattahoochee River.There are many cases of whistle blowers suing for being fired for reporting corporate, state, municipal, and federal wrong doing. These cases make the local and national news.This novelette is about people who left the United States after being legally wronged. The reason for their leaving had many causes, one of them being fearful of the coming oil crisis. Many people believe this crisis is probable after the incursion into Iraq. Everyone has suffered because of the rapidly rising prices of petroleum fuels. It is not in the realm of impossibility that the events in this book could occur.How this group of wronged citizens left for their own little island is what this novelette is about. How they rebuilt three 55 year-old navy LSMs; how they weathered raids by oil pirates; a severe South Pacific Storm and how they built their homes...
Категории каталога:
Бизнес образование

Студенту на заметку:
Энергичная ходьба и бег способствуют профилактике диабета и гипертонии
"Ходьба может быть более приемлемым видом активности для некоторых людей по сравнению с бегом, хотя те, кто бегает, преодолевают большее расстояние, чем любители ходьбы", 0Pсообщил доктор Пол Уильямс ( Paul Williams ), слова которого цитируются в пресс-релизе Американской кардиологической ассоциации ( American Heart Association ).

Элементы протопланеты Тейя были обнаружены вPнедрах Земли
Ученые из Аризонского университета обнаружили вкрапления протопланеты Тейя при исследовании недр Земли. Один из авторов научной работы, профессор Цянь Юань, рассказал об обнаружении в толще Земли инородных элементов, принадлежащих небесному телу Тейя.