Когда совершенный человек обладает большими знаниями да к тому же ежедневно проверяет себя и анализирует свое поведение, тогда он мудр и не совершает ошибок.

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Rainier George Weiner

How Changing World Demographics Affects Your Investments and Careers

Страниц: 256
Формат: 152x220
Using the principles in this book, the individual investor, the small business man, corporate executives and those developing careers, have a unique opportunity to prepare a strategy for the sea changes in investment choices, consumer demand, business opportunities and social changes forthcoming. Not doing so will ensure failure. At the turn of the 20th Century approximately one out of every three people on earth were of Caucasian or ?white? ancestry. By the year 2000 that number stood at one out of seven. By the end of this century, demography experts predict that number to plunge to one out of twenty. Likewise in the United States, in 1900, approximately nine-tenths of the population was white. By 2000 that number had dropped to seven-tenths. Demographers project that number to be less than one half by 2053 and a little more than a third by the end of the century. The reason? If you were to ask the layman on the street he might respond ?It?s because Africans, Asians, Indians or Middle Easterners are reproducing in large numbers.? However, in actuality, the birth rates of these ?developing? populations?though still at a high level?have themselves declined over 50 percent in recent years. The core reason for this disproportionate Caucasian decline is their own extraordinarily low birth rates?the subject of this book. From the days of early Rome, throughout the reign of the Titans, into the development of constitutional law and the cultural and technological breakthroughs of t...
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Во время экспедиции японские исследователи выявили необычное горячее место на востоке Антарктиды. Ученые рассказали, что аномальное таяние льда зарегистрировано в нижней части Сирасэ. Авторы научного проекта добавили, что им удалось установить удивительный факт.

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