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Chris Luenen

The 'America First' Endgame. US Financial Warfare, the Coming Global Reset & the Making of Europe

Страниц: 400
The ‘America First’ Endgame argues that we are currently witnessing the ‘endgame’ of the international system established by the USA in the immediate post-WWII period. It is against this background that the US has enacted a new monetary, fiscal, trade and foreign policy mix, ‘America First’, which amounts to a coherent and comprehensive financial war primarily directed against China, but also other economic competitors, in a last ditch attempt to position the USA for what comes next.The book explains the aims and rationale behind current US policies, places them into the broader context of a longstanding US grand strategy, and shows why they will soon trigger the next global financial crisis, which in turn will usher into a comprehensive global debt and currency reset, and a much more regionalised world political, economic and monetary system. While current developments bear significant risks for the European Union and its member states, they also present a unique historic opportunity for Europe to remake itself, and emerge as a clear winner in the new world that is fast emerging.Some of the key issues and questions that The ‘America First’ Endgame examines include: What aims the US is pursuing with regard to China, and how likely it is to succeed in its efforts; How the US has been using recurring cycles of credit easing and tightening as a financial warfare tool; The crucial importance of the impending Chinese current account deficit; Will current US policies once again pre...
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