Всякое знание лишь тогда имеет ценность, когда оно делает нас энергичнее.
И. Этвеш

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Dr. Addis Ababa Othow Akongdit

Impact of Political Stability on Economic Development. Case of South Sudan

Страниц: 286
Формат: 152x220
The main theme of this study is chosen in response to the general consensus on the importance of conducting a comprehensive study that may shape the economic policies and promote the business sector as well as the government and other organizations.However, the key question posed by this study is whether the theory that political stability fosters economic development is simply the wishful thinking of people who value both stability and growth or whether it is a delusion of those who believe that most developing countries may enjoy rapid growth if they are stable.The importance of this study is clear: South Sudan is confronted with enormous challenges of administrative, ethnic, political, and economic development. In light of this, the current study addresses the following issues: "What is the impact of the political system in South Sudan on economic development? What is the impact of oil resources on sustainable development? What is the impact of the oil shutdown on political and economic stability, and what is the possibility of deficit financing? Is there any possibility for cooperation between Sudan and South Sudan?"In this context, the major objective of this study is to analyze the political development of the country to verify that political stability fosters the achievement of economic and social development. It also seeks to analyse the political history of Sudan in general and South Sudan in particular, emphasising the importance of political stability, amon...
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Как развивать внимание?
Память и внимание тесно связаны. Не случайно, что многие авторы статей и книг по мнемотехнике подчеркивают: первое Pчто нужно сделать для запоминания - это заинтересоваться предметом, который вы хотите запомнить. А там где интерес - там и внимание. Чем же так важно внимание? Внимание или способность концентрироваться позволяет человеку не отвлекаться на посторонние вещи. Концентрируя внимание на чем-то одном мы улучшаем качество решения проблемы, поскольку в этом случае меньше шансов ...