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Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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Matthew Scott

Bitcoin. The Complete Guide to Investing with Bitcoin

Страниц: 106
As early as 2014 the Internal Revenue began listing Bitcoin as a legal asset. Since then investors have been piling onto the Bitcoin bandwagon with abandon. This book takes you from the beginning, and on to all of the latest investment trends, so that you don’t get left behind. Learn how you can make a few bucks as a solitary investor, all the way to striking it rich at the head of multiple mining conglomerates. This book weighs the pros and cons of every aspect of Bitcoin investment. As you begin your investment, learn how to get the best Bitcoin wallets, programs, mining equipment, security protocols, and everything else you will need to be successful. Everything is explained in a step by step basis, easy for anyone to understand and follow. Michael Scott literally leads you by the hand as you establish yourself on the scene, and then after you get the basics, he clearly lays out your options. He outlines the benefits of day trading vs. buy and hold strategies, he explains the intricacies of setting up a Bitcoin Trust and even how to use Bitcoin as an inflationary hedge fund. Here in this comprehensive and invaluable guide, Michael Scott takes us through it all! So, if you want to invest in Bitcoin, this book is the very first investment that you should make! Buy this book to find out: How to create your own Bitcoin startup What it takes to diversify your Portfolio How to invest in successful mining operations And a whole lot more!
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Бизнес образование

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