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K. Von Novack

Profit-Making Communication

Страниц: 126
Формат: 152x220
Profit-making Communication is a compilation of best practices, methodologies and different tactics to understand the power of communication in daily lives, business, politics and how the conscious and calculated use of it can boost financial returns and power. Communication is the main tool in any enterprise: regardless of the product, service or idea, communication can either make or break the chances of success.This book is the third and last of a series started with Profit-making Creativity and followed by Profit-making Communication, which together create a methodology designed to amplify the reader's career and understanding of the underlying factors for success, power and profit. K. Von Novack is a award-winning Strategist and author. His two first books Profit-making Creativity and Profit-making Leadership have been translated into successful methodologies, presented and implemented in more than 200 companies across 30 countries.
Категории каталога:
Бизнес образование

Студенту на заметку:
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