Математика - единственный совершенный метод, позволяющий провести самого себя за нос.
Эйнштейн А.

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Axel Antoni

The impact of Wal-Mart on the British retail market

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Diploma Thesis from the year 2002 in the subject Business economics - Miscellaneous, grade: 2,7 (B-), University of Applied Sciences Regensburg (Business), 44 entries in the bibliography, language: English, abstract: Wal-MartIn 1945 Sam Walton opened his first variety store in Newport, Arkansas. It was a Ben Franklin franchise. After five years it became the number-one Ben Franklin Store for sales and profit within six American states . In 1950 Sam Walton opened Walton?s Five and Dime store in Bentonville, Arkansas, where Wal-Mart?s headquarter is still based today. It was only the third self-service variety store in the United States of America. Though it was still a Ben Franklin franchise Sam Walton bought in much more products from other sources . After successfully rolling out this model into other towns he and his brother James ?Bud? Walton launched their first Wal-Mart in Roger, Arkansas in 1962. It was their first independent store. In 1969 Wal-Mart stores were incorporated as Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Shortly after, in 1970, Wal-Mart now operating 18 stores with an annually turnover of $44 million went public. In the same year they opened their first distribution centre and their home office in Bentonville, Arkansas. With sales of $1.2 billion and 276 stores the company?s stock was approved and listed on the New York Stock Exchange in 1972.This Text is looking at the impact Wal Mart's expansion outside the US has had on both the UK and the German grocery market places...
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Эквадорец воссоздал францисканское пиво XVI века
Биоинженер изPЭквадора заявил, что ему удалось изготовить пиво поPтойPже рецептуре, что иPфранцисканские монахи XVIPвека. Для этого онPизучил научную литературу, аPтакже культивировал пекарские дрожжи, образец которых ему удалось найти вPстаринной бочке сPпивоварни.

Эдинбургский университет перечислил продукты, влечение кPкоторым обусловлено генетически
Оказалось, что любовь к острой пище передается на генетическом уровне, пишет Nature Communications. Согласно выводу ученых, существует 401 мутация, связанная с любовью к определенному типу продуктов. Например, выяснилось, что любители овощей отличаются друг от друга.