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Катон Старший

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Friedrich List

National System of Political Economy. The History (Three Volumes in One)

Страниц: 514
Friedrich List was one of the most prominent economic philosophers of the 19th century, on a par with-but espousing quite different thinking than-Karl Marx and Adam Smith. In the three-volume National System of Political Economy, he explores a reasoned doctrine of national and pan-national management of trade, a global collaboration between government and business. Presented here in one combined volume, List examines the pronounced influence of freedom prudently balanced with regulation in the economic histories of the nations of Europe and North America, delineates his theory of supportive interconnectedness, and explores the economic and political systems that nurture ascendant nations in their global sovereignty. A close reading of this 1841 classic is an absolute necessity for anyone who hopes to understand world economic history of the last 150 years.German economist and journalist FRIEDRICH LIST (1789-1846) served as professor of administration and politics at the University of T?bingen, but was jailed and later exiled to America for his political views. He is also the author of Outlines of American Political Economy (1827).
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Бизнес образование

Студенту на заметку:
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