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Louis B. Htlingk, Ernie Robson, Louis Bohtlingk

Dare to Care. A Love-Based Foundation for Money and Finance

Страниц: 228
Формат: 152x220
Dare to Care, a collection of ideas and initiatives to change finance as we know it, is a platform for global citizens to work together and maneuver through the world economic and financial crisis. The ideas presented within-of changing our mindset from a money-first to a care-first attitude-are meant to stimulate thoughts about our current monetary system and economy and how we truly want them to function. Author Louis B?htlingk presents a workable method for us to change the way we think and feel about money, using it instead to support our fellow man, the Earth, and the gifts we all receive through each other and our planet. Dare to Care stresses that with a care-first approach, money can support our efforts to create a better world without greed or fear of going without. B?htlingk shares his vision for a love-based economy and a care-first world, using examples of businesses, organizations, communities, and individuals who have made this approach work for them and those they serve. Dare to Care encourages readers to approach finance and economics from a new perspective, one which urges them to reorganize their own approach to money and empowers them to act and achieve a care-first worldview."In my 25 years as an entrepreneur, there has been a rule to keep one's heart out of business decisions. Dare to Care boldly disrupts this rule with a vision of finance and economics that integrates heart and mind, left and right brain, and weaves hard economic facts with lyric...
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Бизнес образование

Студенту на заметку:
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