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Martin B?hme

Basel III. Stabilitat systemrelevanter Bankinstitute nach den neuen Regulierungen

Страниц: 62
Формат: 148x210
Книга "Basel III. Stabilit?t systemrelevanter Bankinstitute nach den neuen Regulierungen".Bachelorarbeit aus dem Jahr 2015 im Fachbereich BWL - Wirtschaftspolitik, Note: 1,5, Technische Universit?t Ilmenau (Volkswirtschaftslehre), Veranstaltung: Makro?konomie, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: This Bachelor Thesis explains the new developed regulations of the Basel III framework and tries to assess whether they will strengthen the resilience of systemically important banks. The Problems that evolve from banks due to their status as "too big to fail" had strong influence on the stability of financial markets and especially on the finances of their parent jurisdictions. The necessity of a new Basel III framework is summarized historically and the progress of implementation is disclosed.Part of this work demonstrates the indicator-based measurement approach by the Basel Committee which estimates the significance of global systemically important banks for the financial system. By this measure these banks are compelled to hold more equity. Subsequently, the level of equity hold by banks is indicated to be a main factor for the probability of banking crisis. In conclusion the framework is analyzed and certain problems that could lead to instability of the financial system are argued.
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