Мы берем на хранение чужие мысли и знания, только и всего. Нужно, однако, сделать их собственными.
М. Монтень

Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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Joseph Bossip

Major Impediments to the Development of Papua New Guinea. Non-Communicable Diseases (Lifestyle Disease), High Illiteracy Rate, Corruption and Landowner Compensation (Conflict)

Страниц: 104
Формат: 148x210
I see the following as major impediments to the development of this nation; however people have different views, but I see these things are becoming barriers to the development of this nation.
Due to modernisation and westernisation, a lot of people in Papua New Guinea have already adopted western lifestyle. Thus, Non- Communicable Disease is prevalent in PNG. Non- Communicable Diseases are normally found in developed countries but now it is found in PNG. The first case was reported in 1971 but now it's rose up to almost 46% of the total death rates in PNG is NCD. The survey shows that it is affecting most working class people who have direct correlation in term of input in the development of PNG through human resource development and economic development.
Secondly, corruption can also be regarded as one of the impediments to development in PNG because a lot of public funds have been misused at the political and bureaucratic level. We will explore the details in the discourse of this paper.
Thirdly, high illiteracy rate is another contributing factor hindering the progress of development in Papua New Guinea.
Finally, but not the least is land owner conflict and land compensations, it is also seen as an obstacle to the development of this nation of Papua New Guinea. Especially customary land acquisitions and landownership conflicts in mining areas. For example, Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL) has been closed down due to landowner compensations, as a result government infrastructures have been destroyed]]>
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Бизнес образование

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