Три пути ведут к знанию: путь размышления - это путь самый благородный, путь подражания - это путь самый легкий и путь опыта - это путь самый горький.

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Pascal Schmid

Erneuerbare Energien

Страниц: 106
Формат: 148x210
Bachelorarbeit aus dem Jahr 2009 im Fachbereich Ingenieurwissenschaften - Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen, Note: 1,3, Hochschule f?r Technik, Wirtschaft und Gestaltung Konstanz, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: This is a bachelor thesis about renewable energies. It shall give an overview about all important techniques and their implementation into the actual energy market. Wind turbines, hydropower, photovoltaics, biomass energy, geothermal energy and tidal power will particularly be explained. Furthermore, two new modern sources of renewable energy - the DESERTEC project and the solar updraft tower - are introduced. Advantages as well as disadvantages are revealed for all the mentioned methods of energy generation.First of all, the current climate and energy situation is shown. That also includes some of the problems the current world population is facing. Following that a definition of what renewable energies exactly are is given. This is combined with a differentiation what non-renewable energies are respectively what the traditional forms of energy generation are. Some basics of energy units and their calculation follow. Also the development together with its' legitimate support over the last years is illustrated.Because of the fact, that a lot of renewable energies can be also used to generate warmth, the main focus of the different methods is on generating electricity. Here is a short overview which types of power plants are discussed: the part of wind turbines contains onshor...
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