...У входа в науку, как у входа в ад, должно быть выставлено требование: Здесь нужно, чтоб душа была тверда; здесь страх не должен подавать совета.
Маркс К.

Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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Annamalai Murugan

Human Resource Management in 15 Lessons

Страниц: 254
Формат: 148x210
Human resource is the most important asset of any organization and, unlike other resources, human resources can theoretically be developed and increased to a limitless extent. Human resources mean the energies, skills, knowledge and physical strength of the people at work. Human resources comprise the value of the productive capacity of the entire work force of any organization. To be specific and brief, human resource refers to the aggregate of knowledge, skill, experience and health of employees working in any organization. Development of human resources accounts for the development of the human side of an organization. Today, management is absolutely essential for all organizations, irrespective of their origin, nature and ownership. Every enterprise, established with a profit-seeking motive or some social, religious or other purposes, requires efficient management for its sustained progress. But management has been viewed differently by various scholars, depending upon their belief and comprehensions. Some regard it as the force that runs a business and is responsible for its success or failure. Others perceive it as a means for achievement of desired results through group efforts and by utilising both human and non-human resources. Still others deem management to be a process comprising planning, organising, staffing, directing and controlling. Also, some look at it as an instrument for designing and maintaining an environment conducive to the performance of individuals ...
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Бизнес образование

Студенту на заметку:
Экспедиция нашла наPЭвересте ДНК собаки и курицы, которых там не должно быть
Подъем достиг 4,5 до 5,5 тысяч метров. Изучение проб воды показало, что на Эвересте были тихоходки и даже тибетские улары. Кроме того, специалисты обнаружили остатки ДНК собак и куриц, которые не смогли бы выжить на такой высоте.

Экспедиция в Атлантическом океане позволила обнаружить 12 новых видов живых существ
Международная экспедиция по Атлантическому океану, длившаяся около пяти лет, позволила ученым найти около 12-ти новых видов живых существ, которые обитали не его дне.