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Шоу Б.

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Ramona Blietz

Market Entry Concepts of Chinese Automotive Companies into the European Market

Страниц: 96
Формат: 148x210
Master's Thesis from the year 2015 in the subject Economics - International Economic Relations, grade: 1,3, Berlin School of Economics and Law (IMB), language: English, abstract: This paper investigates Chinese automotive companies' internationalisation activities into the European market. They are still short on experience and young in history. Since the Chinese economy has only gradually liberalised after 1978, the industry has been highly influenced by joint venture activities with foreign automobile companies in China.12 years ago, Chinese automotive companies started to internationalise. Dunning's eclectic paradigm is utilized as academic foundation and related motives and entry modes are aligned to current Chinese activities. In early attempts to enter Europe there was a predominant resource-seeking motive, while later market-seeking reasons became more obvious and have dominated the activities since.So far, ownership-specific advantages do not play a major role in terms of valuable intangible assets like patents, whereas location specific determinants are significant, especially in terms of governmental impact. Additional home market advantages in labour endowment, resources, legal environment and strong finan- cial resources give Chinese automakers an edge and prepare them to further internationalise. However, regarding all OLI forces, there are still no outweighing advantages over European competitors. The interviewed experts do not expect a noticeable ma...
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