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Mirela Orlovic

Strategies and Structure of the Luxury Clothing and Accessories Sector

Страниц: 104
Формат: 148x210
Inhaltsangabe:Introduction: The luxury goods industry is a fascinating field. As Jean-Louis Dumas-Herm?s, chairman and CEO of Herm?s, explains: ?Le luxe, c?est cr?er un r?ve qui perdure.? In addition to the dream dimension that defies scientific analysis, the luxury goods companies have kept highly secretive. Alain D. Perrin, President and CEO at Cartier International, elucidates: ?One of our strengths is our ability to maintain a certain mystery about the economic entity which is the company. We bring magic and dreams to consumers who don?t want to see their favourite brands discussed in the media, and lacking any sense of the romantic.? Systematic research confines itself mainly to specialised marketing literature, especially that of French scholars. But recent developments have raised various questions and call for more systematic research in diverse fields. Over the past two decades, luxury companies in particular in the clothing sector have had to face an increasingly turbulent environment. On the supply side, French dominance especially in the haute couture sector has been challenged as competition has increased mainly from Italian and American fashion houses. Furthermore, the traditionally fragmented luxury industry has become more concentrated, a visible sign for the consolidation was the merger of Louis Vuitton and Mo?t Hennessy in 1987. Finally, as a result of diversification strategies, most fashion houses have extended to more accessible luxury products and as a r...
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