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Cyril Alias

Transport policy in Europe

Страниц: 54
Формат: 148x210
Seminar paper from the year 2008 in the subject Transportation Science & Technology, grade: 1,3, University of Duisburg-Essen (Institut f?r Geographie (Wirtschaftsgeographie, insb. Verkehr und Logistik)), course: Verkehr und Nachhaltigkeit, 87 entries in the bibliography, language: English, abstract: All over the history, mobility has been an integral part of life. Europe features a high level of its unmatched infrastructure, allowing that mobility very well. Not only mobility of people, also the conveyance of goods profits from it. It has become a part of the European lifestyle since the citizens of the continent make use of transport services as a matter of course. Although the term 'Europe' is used, the essay mainly contains remarks about the transport sector of the European Union with its 27 member states by now.Transportation is termed as "the totality of all translocations of persons [...] and goods [...] as well as news [...]" , "which is to be geared to the needs for activity of men and to the environment." The transport sector comprehends the extent of passenger use, the frequency of the lanes, the usage of the different means of transportation and the covered distances.As the title of this essay indicates, it is to deal with the concepts and objectives of a common transport policy throughout the European Union. The central and decisive element in this matter is the White Paper 'European transport policy for 2010 - Time to decide',...
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10 ноября 0день рождения Игоря Олеговича Щеголева
Желаем Вам, Игорь Олегович, крепкого здоровья, удачи и успехов во всех Ваших начинаниях! Справка НП [Российский клуб связистовk Игорь Щеголев, Министр связи и массовых коммуникаций Российской Федерации. Назначен Указом Президента от 12 мая 2008 года4з43. Приход нового Министра ознаменовал существенные перемены в отрасли 0 на Министерство были возложены функции по выработке и реализации государственной политики и нормативно-правовому регулированию в сфере информационны...