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Jobaire Alam

A quantitative analysis of student satisfaction and loyalty in the Norwegian School of Hotel Management (NHS), University of Stavanger, Norway

Страниц: 36
Формат: 148x210
Research Paper (postgraduate) from the year 2015 in the subject Economics - Statistics and Methods, grade: B, University of Stavanger (University of Stavanger), course: MS in Hotel Management, language: English, abstract: The main motive of this paper is to study relations between Overall Satisfaction and Loyalty of Students towards the Norwegian School of Hotel Management (NHS). The purpose of this study is also to find out how students think about the services provided by NHS and the students' perceptions of these, and how these factors influence the overall satisfaction of the students.In this study the researcher first intends to describe and explain why students perceive higher education as a service and how important it is in general, especially within the NHS. Then, in the next step, the definitions and concepts of satisfaction and loyalty based on the empirical researches in the similar area form the focus of the theoretical part. Afterwards, the attributes of satisfaction and loyalty, which are student loyalty and its relation to student satisfaction, will be measured. Finally, the study presents the results of data analysis and the results and conclusion are discussed.
Категории каталога:
Бизнес образование

Студенту на заметку:
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