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Christoper Dewangga Pramudita

Benefits of Introducing the Indicators-based Balanced Scorecard as Strategic Controlling Instrument for Implementation of Corporate Strategy from Four Different Perspectives

Страниц: 72
Формат: 148x210
Bachelor Thesis from the year 2015 in the subject Economics - Other, grade: 2,1, University of Applied Sciences Bremen, language: English, abstract: Nowadays, many companies should not only discuss about how to obtain profits from their products, which are successfully sold to their customers, but also they should be forced to use any other aspects that are able to give more impact for their long-term success. For examples, discussing about quality of their products, relationship between them and their customers and employees, and the production process as well as marketing. Those are the challenges for all managers who are not only struggling in achieving company's targets - high profits but also in achieving customer, employees and stakeholders satisfaction. Schermerhorn (2011, p. 16) generally sees the role of managers in a company and stated that all managers, regardless of their titles, levels, types, and organisational settings, are responsible for the four primary management functions which are defined by Lewis, et al. (2007) as planning, organising, leading, and controlling.a) Planning should be described that managers have tasks in setting targets and in defining actions that are necessary to achieve the targets of their companies.b) Organizing involves determining the assignments to be done and how those assignments would be managed and coordinated to reach the company's targets.c) Leading should be defined that managers should be able to guide, to motivate,...
Категории каталога:
Бизнес образование

Студенту на заметку:
Развитие памяти по методикам спецслужб
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Почему интеллектуальные карты так эффективны?
Правое и левое полушария Чтобы ответить на вопрос об эффективности умственных карт нужно разобраться с устройством человеческого органа, отвечающего за обработку информации, - мозгом человека. Обработка информации в мозге человека сводится к ее обработке правым и левым полушарием одновременно. Левое полушарие отвечает за: логику слова числа последовательность анализ линеарность упорядоченность. П...