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Andre Dassau

The Relevance of Liquefied Natural Gas as an Alternative for the Shipping Industry to Comply with the Global SO2 Limits

Страниц: 56
Формат: 148x210
Bachelor Thesis from the year 2017 in the subject Business economics - Trade and Distribution, grade: 1,0, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, language: English, abstract: The International Maritime Organization confirmed in 2016 the introduction of a global sulphur cap in 2020, establishing a 0.5% sulphur content limit in fuels. All shipping companies operating in international waters will be affected by this emission regulation. LNG as a maritime fuel is widely thematised in current discussions regarding alternatives to achieve compliance, as it brings in the most significant environmental benefits. However, the current LNG-use is scarce, as vessels operating with LNG accounts for ca. 0.1% of the global fleet, and are mainly located in the Baltic region. To gain significance as a marine fuel, LNG has several challenges to overcome. LNGs main hurdle is the lack of bunkering infrastructure, which discourage its adoption by shipping companies, generating the so-called chicken-and-egg problem. Although small-scale bunkering facilities are already available, mostly in Northern Europe, the required infrastructure for large vessels is not provided. This study looks at the relevance of LNG as a maritime fuel with the focus on the forthcoming global sulphur cap, from the perspective of a small and a large shipping company, in their decision-making to achieve compliance. Thereby, major drivers and impediments considered by both shipping companies for its adoption as well as their...
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