Подобно телесной пище, духовная тоже должна быть простой и питательной.
Р. Шуман

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C?dric Ehrmann

Implantation of a premium automotive brand in the saturated German market

Страниц: 108
Формат: 148x210
Master's Thesis from the year 2016 in the subject Business economics - Miscellaneous, grade: 1,7, N?rtingen University; Geislingen, course: Preis und Produkt Politik, language: English, abstract: This research is based on the importance of the product portfolio and price policy for premium brands who want to penetrate the German automotive premium market. Aim is to find how important these two factors are and how far the foreign manufacturers should adjust them to have a competitive advantage over its historically established German competitors. This research is also aimed to show to the readers the potential similarities or discrepancies between importers and local manufacturers and in what way these have a positive or negative impact on the company sales in Germany.The following work will be dedicated to the premium brands, from developed countries as well as from emerging markets, coming to Germany. In a first place, brands from developed countries because manufacturers based in these countries also have created premium brands. Generalist manufacturers have launched premium brands to compete with historical brands. The brands from emerging countries (BRICS, Four Asian Tigers, Tiger Cub Economies) because these states are part of the most dynamical regions in the world with a strong demographic and economic growth. Secondly we will focus on premium brand because today they are the most profitable segment in the automotive sector and represent a significant part of the s...
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Бизнес образование

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Рейтинг ВУЗов России 2012 по версии «Эксперт РА»
В самом конце 2012 года был опубликован рейтинг ВУЗов России популярным рейтинговым агенством «Эксперт РА», составление которого было инициировано и поддержано фондом Олега Дерипаска «Вольное дело». Собственно, описание рейтинга и сам рейтинг под катом.

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