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Mehmet Cosgun

The Islamic Finance

Страниц: 144
Формат: 148x210
Doctoral Thesis / Dissertation from the year 2014 in the subject Economics - Finance, grade: Succesful Defense, Mendel University (Economics), course: International Management, language: English, abstract: This work analyzes whether in recent years Islamic financial developments apply globally, for example to Germany. The author is interested in the reality of Islamic finance and its potential existence in non-Muslim environments. In much of the extant literature, studies consider a theoretical model such as: "The stability of Islamic finance". The authors in these studies tend to focus on global Islamic banks. In the present study, the Author wants to examine the situation for a specific non-Muslim country like Germany. The second focus is to find out whether there is a relationship between the number of Muslims in Germany and the need for Islamic financial products. A detailed view of market entry and critical key indicators are analysed. The current laws and their handling by Islamic banks will additionally be examined. To complete this research, a comparison with a country with more real market experiences in the field of Islamic finance, such as Turkey, will be undertaken.Are there certain Islamic, Jewish, Christian Practices and Aims for Business?With this background, starting from the year 2000, the author observed and investigated economics sources. Here, the concrete issue of Islamic finance became more and more compelling. The development of Islamic finance ...
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