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Volodymyr Perederiy

Statistical Techniques for Bankruptcy Prediction

Страниц: 106
Формат: 148x210
Master's Thesis from the year 2005 in the subject Business economics - Accounting and Taxes, grade: 1,0, European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), course: International Business Administration, language: English, abstract: Bankruptcy prediction has become during the past 3 decades a matter of ever rising academic interest and intensive research. This is due to the academic appeal of the problem, combined with its importance in practical applications. The practicalimportance of bankruptcy prediction models grew recently even more, with "Basle-II" regulations, which were elaborated by Basle Committee on Banking Supervision to enhance the stability of international financial system. These regulations oblige financial institutions and banks to estimate the probability of default of their obligors.There exist some fundamental economic theory to base bankruptcy prediction models on, but this typically relies on stock market prices of companies under consideration.These prices are, however, only available for large public listed companies. Models for private firms are therefore empirical in their nature and have to rely on rigorous statistical analysis of all available information for such firms. In 95% of cases, thisinformation is limited to accounting information from the financial statements. Large databases of financial statements (e.g. Compustat in the USA) are maintained and oftenavailable for research purposes.Accounting information is particularly important ...
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