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Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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David Kunze

Tobin-Tax and its Relevance for Financial Markets. Modelling a Scenario including the Transaction Tax in Financial Markets

Страниц: 46
Формат: 148x210
Master's Thesis from the year 2017 in the subject Economics - Finance, grade: 1,7, University of Bamberg, course: Regulierung und Kontrolle von Finanzm?rkten, language: English, abstract: After this brief introduction it becomes clear that the realization of a financial transaction tax would predominantly serve the goal of preventing future financial crises by reducing instability in financial markets (high volatility).In the following thesis, the author will first set up a model displaying a financial market with two heterogeneous agents to explain to what extent their trading behaviours have an impact on the stability of the relevant market.In a second step, the model will be extended to two relevant markets the agents can choose to trade in and the effects of an application of a transaction tax will be depicted. Due to the fact that the reaction of financial markets to a tax introduction depends on various factors the main goal of this work will be to test to what extent the market liquidity in combination with an imposed transaction tax has an impact on the price adjustment process across several periods. For this reason, the set-up model will be programmed in 'mathematica' where after the output will be interpreted. Furthermore, a possible influence of upcoming political events will be elucidated briefly before the results of the main question are stated and discussed. To represent a succinct perspective there will be a brief analysis about the odds of a tax ...
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