Ученый может понимать невежду, потому что он сам был таковым в детстве; невежда же не может понимать ученого, ибо никогда таковым не был.
Гельвеций К.

Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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Alexandra Schmider

Friendship Formations of Expatriates in Asia

Страниц: 80
Формат: 148x210
Inhaltsangabe:Abstract: The hyper competitive global arena of the twenty-first century requires companies to look for business opportunities beyond their national boarders. With the increased overseas operations there is also a rise in the number of personnel sent for overseas assignments. The increasing number of highly qualified European expatriates in Asian cities is also a manifestation of such activities. However, companies operating abroad report that their global strategy is undermined by expatriates? failure. These high failure rates, measured by early returns are often connected with the private life of expatriates - the ineffective management of intercultural relations - as experts in this area call it. Despite the critical role of the expatriates? private life on the success of their overseas assignments, so far, the subject matter has not received enough attention from social scientists. Therefore, this study attempts to contribute towards bridging the gap by focusing on one part of the expatriates? private life, which is the ?friendship? aspect. The study mainly intends to discuss the friendship formations of European expatriates based in India and China. In particular, this qualitative study highlights the role of various cultural aspects and socio-economic factors on intercultural friendship formations. The interviews conducted with a sample of European expatriates working in New Delhi and Shanghai demonstrated that European expatriates mainly tend to develop f...
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Это естественно, что любые родители хотят дать своему ребенку отличное зарубежное образование. Диплом хорошего зарубежного университета дает возможность каждому молодому человеку стать гражданином мира. Никто точно не сможет сказать, чем обоснован выбор стран у родителей, которые посылают своих детей на учебу за границу, тем не менее, он построен логически правильно: по привлечению иностранных студентов Соединенные Штаты Америки занимают первое место во всем мире, а Туманный Альбион – второе.