Кто изучил науки, а к делу их не применил, словно тот, кто арык прорыл, а поле не засеял, или засеял, да урожаем не воспользовался.
Навои А.

Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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Elke Simon

Implementation of an Enterprise Resource Planning System with Focus on End-User Training

Страниц: 110
Формат: 148x210
Inhaltsangabe:Abstract: The implementation of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system refers to Information Systems, Business Processes, and People. Basically, it is a changing procedure in organizations that strive for company-wide high performance. Business Process Transformation is about changing a company?s focus - from products to customers. Information Systems are replaced by a homogenous system environment which integrates all information into a common system. The behaviour and skills of the company-wide personnel are adapted to perform in the new "world". The big challenge of the implementation is to have the properly-trained people for a high-performance organization. Unfortunately, most companies do not recognize that need. They underestimate the impact that the human factor has on an ERP approach; they consider the implementation as a software-installation with influence to the business. But, the implementation is much more complex. This thesis is dedicated to all those persons who intend to implement an Enterprise Resource Planning system, and who want to understand the theory of Business Process Transformation and how it is linked to Enterprise Resource Planning. To emphasize the importance of the human factors within the implementation, chapter 4 elaborates on End-User Training as a significant part of an implementation for a company dedicated to becoming a high-performance organization. This paper also includes a case study of an ERP implementation...
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