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Renate Eichin

Freedom of Establishment versus Creditor Risk in Germany. A Clash of Principles?

Страниц: 156
Формат: 148x210
Inhaltsangabe:Abstract: The aim of this dissertation is to analyse the potential clash of the principle of free establishment and the creditor protection principles in Germany. It researches the position of unsecured creditors of insolvent pseudo-foreign companies following the rulings of the European Court of Justice in Segers, Centros, ?berseering and Inspire Art with the focus on German creditors of companies with limited liability incorporated in England and Wales. Research is carried out through reviewing and analysing academic and professional opinions voiced concerning the applicability, restricted or non-applicability of specific German creditor protection instruments following the ECJ rulings considering that the law of the country of incorporation governs foreign companies. European case law defining the current understanding of the fundamental freedom of establishment is reviewed and contrasted with subsequent rulings by German courts involving insolvent English companies. The result of the analysis shows that the number of English limited companies (Limited) is still relatively insignificant compared to the total number of German GmbH companies. Limiteds don't seem to replace the GmbH and don't yet present a threat to the German economy. Questionable is the accuracy and completeness of company information a German creditor can obtain. The main reason is the lack of a formalized or regulatory information process between the company registers of England and ...
Категории каталога:
Бизнес образование

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Бизнес делает ставку на науку
Вопрос взаимодействия бизнеса и науки стоит достаточно остро. Юным ученым часто не хватает заказчика и средств для продвижения своих разработок на рынке. Считается, что именно инновации должны стать одними из главных движущих сил развития экономики. Однако существует огромное количество нерешенных вопросов о том, как помочь молодым ученым вывести свои разработки за пределы научных лабораторий и исследовательских центров. В конце ноября в Научном центре РАН состоялся бал научной...

Арктический торт от Ирины Кошевой на стенде Адмиралтейского района в Ленэкспо
Кондитерская студия-мастерская Ирины Кошевой "Арт-трио"