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Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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G. B. Ayoola

Essays on Agricultural Economy. Nonexperimental Writings on Agricultural Policy and Development Administration in Nigeria

Страниц: 744
Формат: 152x220
In particular, this book of essays is aimed at quenching the thirst of undergraduate and postgraduate students of agricultural economics in the institutions of higher learning at home and abroad for a quick reference book on Nigerian development, which they require for proper understanding of taught courses. In general, it is also aimed at dependent and independent professionals in the public and private sectors of the economy and development community at large, with a view to providing them with the institutional memory they require to demonstrate their expertise on the job much better. To this end, the book offers the benefit of many years of experience in teaching, research, and community services, through a menu of topics for profitable reading about the inner mechanisms of the policy process for agricultural development of the country in real time. Herein is strenuously articulated the systematic outputs of disciplined hard work spanning three decades, from 1988 to 2018, including the last ten years of active engagements in policy advocacy outside the university system. The menu of nonexperimental writings provides information about the seemingly dry area of agricultural historiography of the country embedded in a series of analytical thoughts and expositions on performance of successive programs and projects for developing the agricultural economy.
Категории каталога:
Бизнес образование

Студенту на заметку:
Арктический торт от Ирины Кошевой на стенде Адмиралтейского района в Ленэкспо
Кондитерская студия-мастерская Ирины Кошевой "Арт-трио"

Арктический лагерь будет представлен на форуме "Молодежная Волна"
Проект будет представлен на стенде Адмиралтейского района Санкт-Петербурга, студенты которого являются авторами идеи создания Всероссийского детско-юношеского Арктического лагеря (г. Ревда, Мурманской области), создаваемого с целью проведения научных исследований в Арктике и популяризации свободного программного обеспечения в арктическом регионе. Международный Молодежный Форум "Молодежная волна" - это уникальный проект, дающий возможность, с одной стороны всесторонне отобраз...