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Anders Hanson

Workplace Health Promotion. A Salutogenic Approach

Страниц: 380
Формат: 152x220
The original Swedish edition of this book appeared in 2004. [H?¤lsopromotion i Arbetslivet]It has gained a place of central importance in the scientific literature for educational courses in Public Health and Health promotion. In order to meet current international interest in the salutogenic perspective in Workplace Health Promotion, the original text of the book has now been directly translated into English. The aim of the book is to describe health promotion as an idea, an area of knowledge and a strategy for healthpromoting work primarily in working life. The idea of salutogenesis and Aaron Antonovsky's theory of a sense of coherence (SOC) form important starting points for the book.A conceptual model is derived from the international tradition of Health Promotion and Workplace Health Promotion, which can serve as a guide for the work of health promotion in various settings. The book is theoretical in character but it is also written with an eye to providing support in the practical application of health promotion work.
Категории каталога:
Бизнес образование

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