Те, у которых мы учимся, правильно называются нашими учителями, но не всякий, кто учит нас, заслуживает это имя.
Гёте И.

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Dennis Wragge

A Grandfather's Wisdom on How to Escape Credit Card Debt

Страниц: 92
Формат: 152x220


A grandfather with financial experience will explain:

How the system works against you.

How the system can work for you.

Learn how to borrow thousands of dollars and pay no interest.

Why cutting up your credit cards is terrible advice.

The problem with budgeting.

An easy tip to control your spending.

How to improve your credit rating.

Attractive looking scams to avoid.

How to never get a late payment penalty.

Nothing fancy, just facts explained in easy to follow language, written specifically for Canadians.

For decades Dennis Wragge has used his own money to help people get out from under the burden of debt. He has seen the problems first hand and has developed a passion to see ordinary people find freedom. This book is the result of his years of accumulated wisdom.]]>
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Бизнес образование

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