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Д. Писарев

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PhD Ned Gandevani

How to Become a Successful Trader. The Trading Personality Profile: Your Key to Maximizing Profit with Any System

Страниц: 294
Формат: 152x220

External challenges plague some traders, but their own psychology is often a bigger detriment to performance. In this new guide to trading success, financial expert Dr. Ned Gandevani shows you how to identify your own unique trading personality - and turn it to your advantage.

Dr. Gandevani's revolutionary new technique, the Trading Personality Profile (TPP) test, has helped traders everywhere understand their own personality and maximize their profits. Learn about sound trading methodology, investment psychology, the theories of personality, the five-factor model of personality traits, and various performance models - all geared to furthering your self-perception.

Others may tell you that trading psychology is about changing your mind-set, but Dr. Gandevani urges you to stop fighting your essential self. Instead, work with it - and shape your approach to suit your personality. Your success awaits!]]>
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