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Furrukh Bashir, Hafeez-ur- Rehman

Household's Saving Behavior in Pakistan. A Case of Multan District

Страниц: 120
Формат: 152x220
Household savings is the key determinant of economic development by inducing domestic savings and ultimately investment. It also leads to high employment, industrial growth, improvement in quality of products; stabilize prices and higher GDP growth rate. The present study is an attempt to examine various factors influencing saving behavior among lower, middle and higher income groups; and Rural and Urban regions. In this study, primary source of data is collected through random sampling technique. Ordinary Least square method is employed and econometric problems are also removed from the estimated models (i.e. Heteroskedasticity, Multicollinearity etc.). This study will really help the graduate students that how to conduct research at primary level, how to solve various problems of survey, how to organize and arrange the results using econometric methods. Moreover, the study shows that how to elaborate survey results at preliminary level using percentages and graphs.
Категории каталога:
Бизнес образование

Студенту на заметку:
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