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USMM Captain Shaun Patrick Smith

PIRATE CAPITALISM. Saving your Ship, Crew and Treasure In The Coming Financial Storm

Страниц: 240
If you don’t protect your family, who will?Self-sufficiency has always been and will always be the lighthouse in the fog of chaos. The storm is coming.Batten down the hatches!Mixing powerful nautical quotes, leadership examples from history's great ship captains, convenient preparedness lists, refreshingly blunt language and deeply personal stories, Capt. Shaun Patrick Smith, USMM, presents a revealing societal assessment, concise leadership manual and practical action plan.Widening political divisions, increasing poverty, worsening race relations, growing clashes among world leaders, faltering global economies, spreading terrorism and unsustainable U.S. debt are warnings of rogue waves to come.Pirate Capitalism: Saving Your Ship, Crew and Treasure in the Coming Financial Storm puts you in the captain's seat to become the ultimate leader of your family. It is time to prepare your Ship (home), your Crew (family) and your Treasure (assets) before the storm hits by commandeering the leadership skills of history's great ship captains.Ask yourself a simple question. If a nation-wide crisis (financial, terrorist, health, weather, etc.) were to occur, who would protect you and your family - your neighbors, the police, the courts, the clergy, your local elected officials, the media, Wall Street, Main Street, Congress, the President, the Pope? All of them did a fine job protecting the 10 million people who were kicked out of 7 million homes during the 2008 housing crisis, ...
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