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Л. Толстой

Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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высшее образование / учебники для вузов / литература для студентов и педагогов / литература для аспирантов

D.L. Williams

The 40 Day Financial Fast. A Paradigm Shift Towards Financial Freedom

Страниц: 142
Формат: 152x220
Do you have problem managing your money? Are you often discouraged about the condition of your finances? You are not alone! Most working Americans are in an uncomfortable amount of debt and/or have serious problems managing their income. Studies show that the average American can't even get their hands on $1,000 of their own money at any given point in time. Why is it that so many people are bad with money? Much of the problem is that many Americans just are not being taught the very rudimentary basics about money, strategies to manage it, or key concepts regarding making it grow and work for us. The average person with a regular income is simply living from check to check, and are financially bound because of their failure to make wise decisions with their money. So bound that if they missed receiving one to two paychecks, they would be evicted, be inconvenienced in some serious way, or experience utilities being disconnected, because they are paycheck dependent. In this book, I provide simple financial concepts, strategies, and ideas that are geared to help break the cycle of self-defeating financial behaviors and poverty mindsets being regularly displayed by most. This book utilizes biblical principles, practical advice, and personal insights to change your paradigm about money and the way you should be using it to enrich your life. This work is designed to guide you towards an immediate turn around; to detox you of your addictive spending habit; to open your eyes to y...
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Бизнес образование

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