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Laura Fierro Evans

Coaching Leaders. Leverage the Power of Your Inner Voices to Become a Leader

Страниц: 188
Формат: 152x220
Miguel Antonio Hern?ndez P?rez has a reputation in the German car plant in Mexico where he is production manager. He is known as "the Fireman", as he sweats his way from one production problem to the next. Always the last to leave, he'll be found at the plant even at weekends, wrestling with one problem after another. To promote in the company he requires the assistance of a professional coach to help him focus on results, become a better team player, deliver presentations, learn how to say no, and solve problems in flexible and efficient ways. The strategies Miguel needs for getting there, along with his thinking, are part of the Inner Voices coaching method, which is based on the metaphor of the "Inner Team". Join Miguel in his journey and see examples of executive coaching in action. By doing so, you'll equip yourself with tools to face any challenge in a competitive workplace. Look inside yourself, gain greater awareness and enhance your performance as you read Coaching Leaders.
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