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Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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Dr Robert C. Worstell, Albert D. Lasker

The Untold Story of Advertising - Masters of Marketing Secrets. Origins of American Marketing Revealed...

Страниц: 358
Формат: 152x220
Albert Davis Lasker started out as a newspaper reporter when still a teenager but soon got interested in advertising.He started first as an office clerk and later became a salesman. He then asked to be given responsibility for a money-losing account so that he could try his hand at copywriting.By the age of 20, he had bought Lord & Thomas advertising agency and remained its chief executive for more than four decades. This book is as close as readers can come to an autobiography. This book tells the story of how he shaped the agency which ranked number one in its day.Originally published in 26 installments of Advertising Age, this book takes into the boardroom of Lord & Thomas and reveals the business philosophy and hard-won knowledge of the man who was its leader for 40 years.Get your copy today and learn how the earliest and most successful marketer in the first half of this century created that success.
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Бизнес образование

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