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Учебники для вузов: Новинки

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Media Writing

The media writing industry is constantly changing, making it vital for students and practitioners to be able to adapt to new and different forms and approaches. Now updated in a second edition, this highly accessible and practical guide to media writing brings together a range of different professional contexts, enabling students to develop a solid understanding of the practices that will enable them to excel in any media writing field today. In chapters spanning print, online and broadcast news, magazines, public relations, advertising and screenwriting, Batty and Cain outline the key theories, concepts and tools for writing in each context, exploring their distinctive styles and practices and also identifying their shared ideas and principles. Packed with exercises, case studies and career guidance, this lively resource encourages students to engage with each form and hone transferable skills. The new edition reveals how digital technology is continually expanding the scope of platforms and shaping the way media writing is produced and consumed. This insightful text remains essential reading for students of journalism, creative writing, media studies and communication studies.

Студенту на заметку:
Черногория: серпантины, горы и море
В этом году отпуск вполне предсказуемо случился в августе. Вполне предсказуемо потому, что еще в марте были куплены билеты в Черногорию. Ехали мы, конечно, на море. Во-первых, потому, что Адриатика 0это красиво, а во-вторых, потому, что с нами были дети...

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