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Crack the AP U.S. Government & Politics Exam 2017: Premium Edition

In addition to all the great material in our classic Cracking the AP U.S. Government & Politics Exam guide - which includes thorough content reviews, targeted test strategies, and access to AP Connect extras via our online portal - this edition includes extra exams, for a total of 5 full-length practice tests with complete answer explanations! This book is the best value currently on the market, offering as much or more practice as the nearest competitor but at a price that's 20% lower.Everything You Need to Know to Help Achieve a High Score.• Comprehensive content review for all test topics• Engaging activities to help you critically assess your progress• Access to AP Connect, our online portal for helpful pre-college information and exam updatesPremium Practice to Help Achieve Excellence.• 5 full-length practice tests (4 in the book and 1 online) with complete answer explanations• Glossary for quick reference of the most important topics, dates, cases, and information• Helpful practice drills at the end of every content review chapterTechniques That Actually Work.• Tried-and-true strategies to help you avoid traps and beat the test• Tips for pacing yourself and guessing logically• Essential tactics to help you work smarter, not harderAP U.S. Government & Politics can be tough to master, but with Cracking the AP U.S. Government & Politics Exam 2017, Premium Edition, you'll be armed to take on the test and achieve your highest possible score!
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Студенту на заметку:
Фронтмена [Коррозии металлаk избили в Подмосковье
По данным СМИ, Сергей "Паук" Троицкий получил перелом носа, закрытую черепно-мозговую травму и сотрясение мозга.

Форум "Единой России" прошел в честь Петербурга
В день своего десятилетия "Единая Россия" в Петербурге провела смотр своих сторонников. В Петербурге в БКЗ "Октябрьский состоялся форум, посвященный выдвижению Владимира Путина в президенты России. Вместо чествования Путина участники предпочли чествовать родину кандидата в президенты. Это не удивительно, так как именно Петербург стал символом избирательной кампании местных единороссов.